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 The 18th Conference of Vice-presidents and Directors of International Centers of Universities and Research Centers as well as Science and Technology Parks of the Country was virtually held on May 9, 2021, hosted by the Ministry of Science. In this meeting, Prof. Dr. Hossein Salar Amoli, Head of the International Scientific Cooperation Center in the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, emphasized the internationalization of universities as a platform to raise the level of standards and increase the tolerance capacity within the international arena. He said: "In the context of this internationalization, in the coming months we will face three different phenomena that we must be prepared for." The first likely phenomenon is the post-JCPOA 2 in the Vienna talks, which may cause the re-emergence of European countries interested in renovating relationships. The second phenomenon is post-corona, which will most likely be in October and November with the expansion of vaccination resulting in a remarkable increase in international travels.

Prof. Dr. Salar Amoli asserted that the third phenomenon will be the strategic plan with China. If the post- JCPOA 2 is successful, China will inevitably become more serious in its cooperation with us. All universities in the country should expand their quantitative and qualitative academic capacities because by strengthening the international relations between Iran and China, Western countries will take their relations and cooperation more seriously. Therefore, paying attention to short-term programs such as the number of international students and the number of sabbatical leaves for international applicants is of particular importance. In this regard, two main topics should be in focus: First, we should think about institutionalization and move towards long-term activities with international institutions. And second, a deeper look at the relationship between Iran and China should be taken because, due to extensive investment in basic sciences, prominence in different fields such as artificial intelligence, and capability in outstanding equipment and materials in the world, this country has been successful. Therefore, cooperation with China is an opportunity that our scientific community should not neglect.

In China, laboratory equipment and materials are produced in abundance, which is a very good opportunity for our laboratories to see a positive leap in science and technology. As a result, we need to look at our relationship with China as an opportunity and establish short-term and long-term plans with that country to achieve our great goals. This meeting was attended by Prof. Dr. Sima Fakhran, Director of the International Scientific Cooperation Center at Isfahan University of Technology.


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