"A Joint Webinar on Research & Funding Opportunities from Germany"
With the attendance of professors and directors of international cooperation center from the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the head of the German Academic Exchange Institute in Tehran (DAAD).
The faculty members and graduate students can participate in this conference on:
February 17, 2021, from 15:00 to 17:30
Registration deadline: February 16, 2021
The first part of the webinar will be in English and about the German Research Foundation (DFG) and its financial support opportunities for international cooperation; while, the second part will be in Persian and about the individual scholarships and DAAD support for inter-university cooperation. In both sections, it is possible to ask questions in Persian.
Click here to view the schedule of this event and click here to register for free.
please join the webinar via: https://nikan.iut.ac.ir/research_opportunities/