For the purpose of broadening international interactions and research collaborations between Switzerland and more than 180 countries of the world, the Swiss Confederation grants the Government Excellence Scholarships to the applicants who are qualified to the conditions specified by the executive institution "Federal Commission for Scholarship for Foreign Students – FCS." An acceptance letter from a full-time professor of the university or institution in which they are going to pass their program is necessary for every applicant.
A traffic card with half price of the public transportation is given to all winners of all levels and the expenses of one trip from the departure country to Switzerland is paid by the Swiss Government.
The call for this year's scholarships was announced on August 2, 2019 and the deadline for the applicants to send their documents is November, 15, 2019. The programs will be commenced from the beginning of September 2021.
Types of the Scholarships:
Ph.D. Scholarship
- Preparing the conditions for Ph.D. studies for foreign students in one of the ten Canton Universities, the two Federal Institutes of Technology or the Excellence Institute of International and Development Studies in Switzerland.
- For 12 months, and extendable to 36 months based on the applicant's academic achievements.
- 1920 Swiss Francs monthly financial support
- The applicants must attain their master's degree before 31 July, 2020.
- The applicants' date of birth must be before 31 December, 1984.
Postdoctoral Scholarship
- Preparing the conditions for Post Doc. studies for foreign researchers in one of the ten Canton Universities, two Federal Institutes of Technology or the Excellence Institute of International and Development Studies in Switzerland, Public Teaching and Research Institutes, or the Swiss Applied Sciences Universities
- For 12 month; non-extendable
- 3500 Swiss Francs financial support
- It is necessary for the applicants to attain their doctoral degree after December 31, 2016 and before July 31, 2020.
Research Fellowship
Having an opportunity to a pass research course for Ph.D. students in one of the ten Canton Universities, two Federal Institutes of Technology or the Excellence Institute of International and Development Studies in Switzerland, Public Teaching and Research Institutes, or the Swiss Applied Sciences Universities
- For 12 month; non-extendable; unconvertible to doctoral programs
- It is necessary for the applicants to attain their master's degree before July 31, 2020.
- The applicants' date of birth must be before 31 December, 1984.
- In order to register your application, you need to get the package including the forms and information through sending an email to the Swiss embassy in Tehran at teh.scholarships@eda.admin.ch
- For further information about the required documents, please visit https://iscoweb.iut.ac.ir/fa/node/551
- For further information about the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships please visit https://iscoweb.iut.ac.ir/fa/node/282 and for a guide about finding the positions of the mentioned scholarships, please visit https://iscoweb.iut.ac.ir/fa/node/283