Isfahan University of Technology (IUT) was the Host of the Switzerland Embassy’s Counsellor
A meeting was held between the Switzerland Embassy’s Counsellor, Mrs. Chantal Delli, PhD, and IUT faculty members on August 25, 2020. The main theme of the meeting revolved around the scientific collaborations between the IUT faculty members and Swiss partners.
Dr. Chantal Delli, a counsellor from the Switzerland Foreign Ministry attended this meeting along with some IUT officials and faculty members as well as students who have been successful in winning grants and seed money.
The opening speech delivered by Dr. Sima Fakheran, Director of International Scientific Cooperation Center of IUT, then Dr. Mohammad Javad Omidi, Acting President for International Affairs and Development of Technology Infrastructures, talked about the aims and significance of the scientific collaborations and links between the two countries.
After that, the IUT faculty members and students gave a brief report on their joint projects with the Swiss partners and had a discussion with Dr. Chantal Delli on some specificities and challenges they may have in the process of conducting their joint research.
The faculty members attended this meeting were: Dr. Mahmud Ashrafizaadeh and Dr. Peyman Mosadegh from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering; Dr. Eisa Ebrahimi, from Faculty of Natural Resources Engineering; and Dr. Hossein Ahmadvand from Faculty of Physics.
Ms. Shokoufeh Nematollahi and Mr. Alireza Esmaeili, PhD students from the Faculty of Natural Resources, were also among the participants of this meeting.