Call for Applications for Incoming and Outgoing Student Motilities Between A4U Universities and Partner Universities in SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA and IRAN During 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 Academic Years.
The 2nd round of the call for applications for student and staff mobility with Iran is open. The following grants are available:
- 1 grant for staff to go from Iran to Spain. Staff can apply for a one-week or a two-week stay.
- 1 grant for PhD to go from Iran to Spain or from Spain to Iran. The stay can be from 2 to 5 months long.
Applications deadline: 8 September. The universities in Spain close for the whole month of August for summer holidays, so applicants should factor this in when preparing their applications.
In this call, students from disadvantaged backgrounds (criteria are attached below) can apply for a top-up grant of 250€ per month, in addition to the standard 850€ per month for subsistence. So their total grant will be 1.100€ per month for subsistence + 530€ for travel.
Alliance of 4 Universities (A4U) is a strategic partnership of four Spanish public universities:
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, and Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. One of the objectives of A4U internationalization strategy is to promote mobility with leading universities in non-European countries. A4U has been awarded funds under Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Programme, which enables staff from A4U universities and its partner universities to undertake a mobility stay.
The main objectives of the mobilities are:
- To offer training and research opportunities to staff at participating universities.
- To help mobility participants improve their professional, social and inter-cultural skills, as well as employability, and to promote cross-cultural exchange and dialogue.
- To forge and deepen lasting links between A4U universities and its partner universities, enhancing their transnational academic cooperation.
Mobilities announced in this call should be carried out in 2023-2024 or 2024-2025 academic years during the period of academic activity based on the academic calendar of the host university. All mobilities should end by 31 July 2025.
Call for applications for mobility of students
Call for applications for mobility of staff