The Department of Mathematical Sciences of Isfahan University of Technology is holding an autumn school and workshop entitled "Combinatorial Optimization" from a series of joint international scientific events of the group of five top technological universities of the country (UT5) in collaboration with IASI Research Institute of Italy and IPM Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences.
All those interested in optimization topics, especially professors and graduate students in the fields of mathematical Sciences, electrical engineering, industrial, and mechanical engineering, etc., are invited to participate in this international event for free from November 30 to December 2, 2021.
Registration link:
Participation in school and workshop is free, but registration is required.
Additional information on the school website is on: https://english.iut.ac.ir/scopt2021
Reply to question on: scopt2021@iut.ac.ir
↗️ https://t.me/MathSci_Dept_iut