This report indicates that Isfahan University of Technology, jointly with the University of Tehran has achieved first place in the field of Physics and Astronomy with a score range of 451-500.
In the field of natural sciences, Isfahan University of Technology is ranked second with a score range of 601-700. In agricultural sciences, Isfahan University of Technology and Shiraz University of Technology jointly obtained the third rank with the score range of 251-300.
The fourth rank in the field of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, with the score of 232, and the third rank in other fields of agricultural sciences (including agricultural engineering, agricultural economics, and policy, food science, and technology) with the score of 178 are the other top ranks achieved by IUT.
In other fields of engineering and technology including multidisciplinary engineering, industrial engineering, production engineering, food science and technology, Instruments & instrumentation, microscopy, imaging science and photography technology, spectroscopy, IUT is given second place with the score range of 350-301.
In the field of chemistry, IUT is in the range of 451-500; in the field of earth and environmental sciences it is 501-600; in civil engineering, it is 251-300; 451-500 in electrical and electronic engineering; 237 in mechanical engineering; 214 in the field of chemical engineering; 351-400 in materials engineering; and 301-350 in the field of environmental engineering.